Ruins and Abandoned: What do these words mean?
They may sound different and have different meanings, but ruins and abandoned are in fact quite similar.
In my anthropology class tutorial, we had a discussion about what archaeologists of the future would think if we were to leave our classroom exactly as it was. What would they think of the iPods, cell phones, computers? Would they wonder how these tools were used, what they were used for, how they worked? If our classroom was frozen in time, if we just left everything the way it was that second, what would happen?
According to the Oxford English Dictionary the word "ruin" has two distinct meanings: "the physical destruction or disintegration of something or the state of disintegrating or being destroyed"; and "reduce (a building or place) to a state of decay, collapse, or disintegration".
When we think of ruins, we like to envision an old castle, a fortress, an old church, something that has been ravaged by time. We see a place that used to be a part of daily life, but is now a remnant of a time long forgotten. Take for example one of the most photographed ruins, the Flavian Amphitheater of Rome (more commonly known as the Colosseum). It has been partially destroyed by the hands of humans and also through time.
Photo by Brandon VoightA historian and archaeologist will look at ruins to determine how people used to live, interact, build, think. A writer will see a story unfolding from the past. A tourist will see a historical monument to admire and take pictures of. We all see ruins from a different perspective. I like to see ruins as something to treasure and explore, something that gives light to the past.
"Abandon" can mean many different things, especially if you look at the adjectives and synonyms connected with it. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, "abandon" can mean: "cease to support or look after; desert". In this case, we are looking for the definition of the adjective "abandoned", which means "having been deserted or left".
Abandoned places and buildings are very intriguing; a snapshot in history of a place in time. Many abandoned places and buildings have stories to add to the mystery. When buildings are abandoned, many items are left behind. These can create an atmosphere of decay and death.
Disasters like Chernobyl highlight the idea of a snapshot of a place in time. The city was abandoned over 25 years ago after the nuclear reactor exploded. The city was abandoned in a short amount of time in the wake of the disaster. Non-essential items were left where they sat, providing an excellent view of life at the time of the disaster. The town still remains abandoned to this day.
Photo by Gerd Ludwig
There are many different varieties of abandoned buildings and places. Factories are one of the most common type of abandoned buildings in Europe, especially in the old Eastern Block countries. Factories were built with the boom of the Communist machine, but even before the fall of the USSR factories began to close. Many of these factories have yet to be demolished, which provides excellent examples of what is left behind after a building is abandoned.
Photo by Henk van Rensberge on www.abandoned-places.comThe most interesting abandoned places are the variety of abandoned amusement parks in Japan. It is interesting to see how these parks are just left for nature to reclaim. Where once families were laughing, now weeds and rust are first in line. After only a few years, it can look like the park has been abandoned for many years. The most interesting aspect of abandoned amusement parks is how they are left to rot. In most cases, it is cheaper to let nature take over than pay to have the park demolished.
Creator of Photo Unknown ( are many sites devoted to urban exploration, ie: exploring abandoned buildings. The best one I have found is by Henk van Rensberge. His website,, is full of amazing pictures of abandoned places throughout Europe.
Ruins and abandoned places have a special relationship with history. They provide a fascinating escape into our imaginations. They are part of our past and also our future. Please respect them and enjoy the mystery that surrounds these ruins and abandoned places. Also remember that these places are dangerous and in most cases have security. They may appear in ruins or abandoned, but beware.
Please note that I do not take credit for any of the images. Please click on the photo credit to be taken to the website the image is from.